

Name Title Description Action
Customers Warehouse Customers This table contains the list of customers who interact with the warehouse. View
InventoryByLocation Inventory by Location This table tracks inventory quantities distributed across different warehouse locations View
InventoryTransactions Inventory Transactions This table records all inventory movements, including additions and subtractions. View
Locations Warehouse Locations This table details the various physical locations within the warehouse. View
Products Product Details This table stores information about the products available in the warehouse. View
PurchaseOrderDetails Purchase Order Details This table provides details for each purchase order, including items and quantities. View
PurchaseOrders Purchase Orders This table lists all purchase orders made to suppliers. View
Returns Returns This table tracks returned items from customers and their associated details. View
SalesOrderDetails Sales Order Details This table contains details of each sales order, including product quantities and prices. View
SalesOrders Sales Orders This table records all sales orders placed by customers. View
Shipments Shipments This table logs details of shipments sent from the warehouse to customers or other locations. View
Suppliers Suppliers This table lists the suppliers from whom products are purchased. View