
Stores information about all operations in the warehouse


Name Title Datatype Nullable Other Description Last edit
id int(11) NO auto_increment 5 months ago
date Operation time timestamp NO 5 months ago
id_user Editor (user) int(11) NO Who made a change in the Warehouse? Ref. users 5 months ago
action Operation int(11) NO Define the operation that was done: 1 - production change 2 - warehouse give back 3 - warehouse correction 4 - warehouse give out 5 - change on shipment 6 - collect to the warehouse 5 months ago
amount Product quantity int(11) NO How many product items was the subject of action 5 months ago
id_product Product int(11) NO ref. products 5 months ago
id_packing Shipment int(11) NO ref. packings 5 months ago
id_order Order int(11) NO Used only when operation was part of the order. 5 months ago