Warehouse Project

Warehouse is no longer maintained software which will work and will fit as a simple warehouse project.

Tech Stack

As this is an legacy project, the stack is pretty basic:

  1. MySQL or MariaDB which can run  warehouse Production
  2. PHP 7+
  3. CodeIgniter 2.2


Code is available under: https://github.com/MacEncrypted/Warehouse

What this project covers?

Warehouse project covers:

  • user authentication (admin and worker level
  • user management (add, edit, delete)
  • library of products (add, edit, delete)
  • adding products and management in flow (production -> on way -> in warehouse -> sold)
  • notes management
  • notes reminder
  • action log (who?, when?, what?)
  • search products changes in selected time
  • one click backup
  • easy system clearing (one button to clear all numeric values)
  • multi language translation (translating one file translates whole warehouse)
  • minimalistic CRM (clients, documents, reports)
