Why You Do Software Documentation?

Software documentation is often overlooked in the age of self-documenting code. However, even projects that are perfectly written eventually grow so large that they require documentation for a few important reasons.

First Reason - Understanding the Big Picture

Documentation goes beyond listing features in the app. It's more like a business snapshot of a project. Documentation should explain WHY and WHAT, and only touch on the topic of HOW, because developers can figure out HOW on their own from the code. But to truly understand it, they need context.

DOCSbit provides a Big Picture

Second Reason - Speeds Up Onboarding

For newcomers entering the development world, documentation acts as a detailed manual, offering more than just a quick look into the program's workings. Instead, it serves as a source of truth when learning about new business. It's much easier to onboard onto a documented project with a well-described database than to onboard onto a legacy system with no guidelines at all.

Search results can help with understanding things

Third Reason - Fixing Problems

When faced with challenges or issues within the program, well-crafted documentation becomes crucial. It's good to know how things should work. It's also a common approach to include FAQs (or Frequently Encountered Bugs) in the documentation.

DOCSbit helps with debuging by giving JIT information

Fourth Reason - Working Together

Effective teamwork relies on a shared language and understanding of the project. Documentation acts as a glossary. When everyone is using the same documented terms, discussions about "User" will be clear and consistent.

DOCSbit improves coworking by saving the history

In essence, software documentation is NOT just paperwork. It should be an integral part of every software project.